Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Top 10 Reasons You Know You Are Living on Pohnpei:

#10 - Your dinner guest comments on the qualty of your water pressure

#9 - You keep your kitchen garbage in the freezer to discourage ants and other bugs

#8 - You know all the geckoes in your house by their size and favorite locations

#7 - Your rental property comes complete with miscellaneous stray cats and dogs

#6 - You classify your flip flops as evening wear, appropriate for work, and casual

#5 - Grocery shopping resembles a scavenger hunt

#4 - You can distinguish between an attractive looking mumu and an unattractive one

#3 - Driving 30 MPH feels really fast

#2 - You don't see dogs with their heads sticking out of car windows - you see little kids with their heads sticking out of car windows

The number one reason you know your living on Pohnpei - When you see a dog on a leash it strikes you as strange.

Credit goes to Wenonoa for coming up with this list. David Letterman, are you hiring?

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