Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Another 5K

Saturday May 23rd

I ran another 5K today. I cracked the top 10, finishing in 8th place (22:23). Prizes were given to the top ten finishers and so I got to take the walk of glory up to the podium. In this case, the walk was the three steps from the parking lot to the entrance way of the sponsoring grocery store, but that made it no less glorious. My prize was a $25 gift certificate to MedPharm Clinic & Pharmacy. Thank you , Palm Terrace Grocery Store and all the other sponsors for your support of physical fitness on the island.

Last month, the race was sponsored by the local college so instead of prizes to the top ten finishers, prizes went to the top 10 college finishers. I’m not sure what place I finished in last month; I think 11th or 12th. Though I like to bask in glory when I feel it’s deserved, I don’t like to take credit when it’s not earned. I’m pretty sure a few of the students who beat me last month weren’t there this month. Their absence may have been the reason I cracked the top ten.

Ironically, on an island where most people are poor and unhealthy, the Medpharm gift certificates were awarded to some of the healthiest (if running ability is any indicator) people on the island. I heard a few people joking that they should have been awarded to the last ten finishers instead.

The choice of awards for the top male/female finishers in each age category is either equally as puzzling or a sad reminder of the link between poverty and unhealthy food choices. The top finishers in the adult age brackets were awarded with 20 pound bags of white rice and the juvenile winners with a case of ramen noodles. I’m not sure if the kids got ramen because it’s a lot lighter and easier to carry than 20 pounds of rice. Rice and ramen are about the cheapest foods a person can buy and are two of the dietary staples here. Unfortunately, white rice turns to sugar during the digestive process and is probably a reason why almost everyone here has diabetes. Ramen has an incredible amount of sodium (I think between 600 and 1200 milligrams depending on the brand and type).

On a positive note, while only the fastest of the fast get the rice and ramen, local bananas were available to everyone and the local ‘local foods’ organization given the microphone and few minutes to remind the crowd of the health benefits of local produce.

Note: For those of you who hang on my every word, have really good memories, and are into running - you might recall that last month I ran a 24:12. The weather gods were kind today. It was a cool, overcast day. Last month was hot, humid, and sunny. The course this month was also different. Last month featured two short but steep hills. This month, the first mile was a long but gentle hill that helped beat back the flip flop brigade and keep my pace in check.


  1. You did well - the "upper" route is something like 4.925 km while the "lower" route is 4.916 km. So you were faster on the longer route. I also like the "upper" route better.
