Thursday, August 20, 2009

The lagoon

We have a nice view from the back balcony! It comes in handy.

As the season shifted from spring to summer the temperature didn't really change but the trade winds died off and now moisture stays in the air. We've gotten in the habit of hanging our towels outside under the covered area (naas its called locally)of the balcony. So each morning I walk outside to get a towel, come inside to shower, and then go back outside to hang it on the line.

While this sounds tedious, the view helps. The lagoon, protected by the reef, has no waves and the water sits tranquilly beneath the sky. The lagoon view keeps me company as I hang my towel and its a pleasant way to spend a few minutes each morning.

The concrete house absorbs heat during the day if it doesn't rain much. By the time we get home from work or exercise class it can be quite hot and stuffy inside. On those days, we drag the camping chairs out to the balcony and watch the sun set while we allow some fresh air to flow through the house, cooling it by a degree or so.

1 comment:

  1. Great image - thanks for sharing. The humidity can be really oppressive. Although I guess one tends to teach what one wants to teach - why else is someone in a field unless that interests them and sharing that knowledge interests them, I hope that I might be a tad more student centered than to start off with a set of "I" statements. There are seasons here, but there are very subtle. Still, there are annual rhythms of weather and local life that are comforting after 17 years out here. And, for what little it might be worth, the correct spelling of a local hut with the distinctive "U" shaped platform is "nahs". The "h" connotes a long vowel preceding the h. Again, thanks for sharing!
