Friday, February 26, 2010

Another Year Has Come and Gone

Another year has come and gone in this blogger's life. To celebrate, our bridge club had a potluck dinner in addition to the bridge game. I don't feel much older. I'm in as good as (if not better) shape than I was last year which always help. The only thing that really makes me feel older is the fact that I belong to a bridge club. It just sounds so old!

Most people have heard of th game but many don't know how to play. For those midwesterners familiar with Euker, the simplest explanation is that Eukra is bridge's poor country cousin. In bridge all 52 cards are played and points are accumulated over a number of games using a complex system.

Mary, who has come and gone, taught it to us. Things evolved from a random one night event to an scheduled game that occurs two Saturday nights a month. Thank you Mary. You may be gone but not forgotten.

Interest in the game has expanded. The name I gave our group - The Dirty Dozen Bridge Club - is now outdated as there are 14 names on the e-mail distribution list.

Last Saturday was also a 5K race and we ran into several friends that morning. Invitations to the potluck were extended and it turned out to be a very social night. Little bridge was played and at someone's suggestion a post-midnight outing to Club Kantaro occurred (see posting "An odd day..."

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