Monday, March 15, 2010

Double Parked

Friday March 5

Yesterday I had a new first. I asked a president - of a country - to move his car.

Attempting to leave my hotel (I’m in Chuuk this week), I walked out to the small crowded parking lot and behind my dusty little rental car, a bigger dustier car had parked. Looking at the back of the car, I saw that it had government plates. Recalling that as I had walked across the hotel’s back patio, the President and three associates had been drinking coffee. The mystery was solved. I approached the table, waited to be noticed, and then stated. “Excuse me, but I think one of you gentlemen is parked behind my car.”

“That might be mine,” the President replied. I had assumed (and hoped) it was one of his companions.

“It’s a black car with government plates parked on the end.”

“That’s mine,” the President confessed and then explained to me that double parking is allowed at the hotel. I was surprised that he felt the need to explain that he wasn’t violating any accepted practices and more surprised when he continued, “do you want me to move it.”

Culturally, I think the appropriate response would have been to tell him no, it was ok, and that I could wait. However, it was one of those unexpected quick moments where one doesn’t have the time to stop and think of the appropriate response. Being prone to honesty and logic and – let’s face it why would I have gone over to their table if I didn’t want the car moved? - I responded, “yes, if you don’t mind, I’d appreciate it.”

I beat a hasty retreat wondering if I committed a horrible faux paus. I expected that someone would be sent to move the car but a couple of minutes later the President strode up, got into his car, and drove away.

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