Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The things you can learn about a job applicant

While the Micronesian government workplace is modeled after the U.S., there are certain differences. For instance, our office is in the process of filling an open position and it is interesting what I can learn about applicants from their completed job applications.

Boxes 10 - 16 on the official FSM government application are for the following pieces of information: age, birthdate, birthplace, height, weight, sex, and marital status. Further along the application, the applicant is asked to check yes or no to the following questions: Have you any physical handicap, chronic disease, or other disability?; Have you ever had a nervous breakdown?; and Have you ever had tuberculosis?

The application does not ask the applicant to state his/her religion but one applicant chose to include it on her resume, along with her address and phone number. Though religion isn't included on the application, church and state are not as separated as they are in the U.S. On the official memo regarding Christmas office closures, the President informing the government employees "... the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ..."

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