Saturday, March 28, 2009

Its been four weeks

Saturday March 28, 2009

Yesterday I completed my 4th full week of work. Time flies. In some ways I feel like I’ve been here longer but in other ways I still enjoy the surprises and discoveries that come with being new. Today I learned that they do sell limes (which they call local lemons) at the produce market. I never new this because they are kept out of sight behind the counter. Now I know that if I want locals lemons I just need to ask.

If you asked me how much the produce is, I couldn’t tell you. I could only say, inexpensive. Prices aren’t marked. One brings the produce to the checkout counter and the counter person puts it on a scale, punches some numbers into a calculator, records it in a ledger, and then repeats the process with the next item. I could ask, but I don’t. Today I bought a big bunch of small bananas and 3 Japanese eggplants for $1.65.

At the time I was hired as audit manager, a second American was hired as a supervisor. He and his wife arrived this week so I am no longer officially the newbie. In fact, I felt like an old timer as I found myself in the role of sharer of knowledge and giver of advice.

It was hard to decide what information to share. The scale that balances the joys of discovery with frustration and anxiety can be a tricky one. While I didn’t want to take too much of the fun of being new away from them, I also wanted to reduce the amount of stress they’ll experience as they adjust.

Each week I feel as though I learn a little more about life on the island. This week I learned that there is a ex-pat yoga class on Mondays at the local college. It felt great to be back on the yoga mat. Its amazing how much flexibility can be lost in a month.

At the yoga class I learned that there is also a pilates class on Wednesdays. At the pilates class I learned that there is a hiking group that meets Sunday afternoons. Who knows what I’ll learn Sunday?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the updates, Eric. It's great to hear about your adventures. Do they hide the yams behind the counter with the lemons?
